
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.

Our Governors

Code of Practice for Local Governing Body

What do Governors do?
St Mary's Catholic Primary School governors are drawn from different parts of the community; they are parents, staff, and members of the local neighbourhood and parish. This helps to ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience.  Governors do not interfere in the day-to-day teaching and running of the school, but are committed to school welfare and improvement and the importance of  Catholic education in our area both now and in the future. In consultation with the head teacher and other staff, our main responsibilities are to:

  • set aims and agree policies, targets and objectives for the school
  • support and challenge decisions
  • help determine the Catholic ethos of the school
  • agree how to spend the school budget
  • appoint new head teachers and assist in the recruitment of other staff

How does the governing body work?
There are normally six to eight meetings a year which involve the full governing body. We hear reports from the head teacher, other members of staff and from the various committees about the work they have been doing. We ask questions, make decisions, comment on proposals, offer advice and act as a sounding board for ideas. Our objective is always to arrive at the best solution for the school.

We monitor specific objectives listed on the School Development Plan. This allows governors to focus on a particular area and work more closely with the relevant teachers and to then feed back to the full governing body.

How can I get more information?
The members of our school governing body are listed in the table below.    

The Clerk is Mrs Carol Stone.

Governing Body at St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School 2022/23

