Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.
Easter Fun!
We enjoyed baking, creating Easter cards and baskets as well as taking part in an Easter Hunt!
Holy Week - The Last Supper
The children listened to the bible story and then re-enacted Jesus washing the disciples feet and the sharing of The Last Supper.
History - Toys Past and Present
What a lovely way to complete our topic! The children loved handling and exploring toys from the past.
Lenten Prayer and Liturgy Worship
The children reflected on ways in which they can change during Lent to follow the example of Jesus. They thought about prayer, fasting and almsgiving and how they could carry these our in their daily vocations.
British Science Week
The children enjoyed learning about Climate and Weather. They had great fun experimenting and creating a rain cloud and tornado.
Computing and algorithms
We have been learning about the importance of following instructions accurattely and precisely in our Lego building computing unit.
Look at our newest members of our St Mary's Family
We now have 5 hens living at school with us! Our Year 1 children enjoyed saying hello to them.
World Book Day 2022
Year 1 had an amazing day dressing up as their favourite book characters and celebrating their love of reading.
English - Have you got what it takes to audition for the role of Peter Pan?
RE - Acting out the story of The Prodigal Son
Class Worship - Forgiveness
All Around The World - A taste of China
We Will Remember !