Power Maths TextbookThis is a link to our Power Maths Textbook. It will prompt you to accept the terms and conditions at the top of the page. Then it may ask you to allow pop-up blocks. Please complete Properties of Shape lessons 8,9 and 10.
TT Rockstars and NumbotsPlease email stm.year2@ctkcc.co.uk if you do not have your child's log in and password. When signing in, make sure you choose the correct school 'St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Newcastle, Staffs'
MyMathsSchool Username: stmarys34 Password: divide5 Please complete the five Year 2 booster lessons.
Oxford Owl - online reading booksYou will need to set up an account with Oxford Owl completely free of charge. Once set up, you can access a wide range of reading books. Along the top green banner, click 'Books' - 'eBook Library' - search for books by age or reading level.
Below are a range of genres to practice your comprehension skills.
Below are some images you can use to help you write a story. These documents give you writing prompts and questions to get you thinking about what you can include in your story. Don't forget to use the Year 2 writing skills and the planning sheet to help you.