Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.
Welcome to Year 1
St George and St Andrew are our Class Saints
Mrs Catena (1C) and Mrs Peacock (1P) are the Year 1 Class Teachers
Mrs Kettle, Mrs Beaman and Mrs Dimiceli are the Learning Support Assistants.
To help us to explore the theme of making connections , the children came to school dressed up to reflect how science can be used in everyday jobs . We had nurses, doctors, astronauts, science teachers, stunt riders, paerotecnics, - to name just a few . We shared ideas about what science is and then went on to explore how science is used in different jobs . In the afternoon we explored materials so that we could pass on a message -Science is fun !
Thank you to our Year 1 families who came to join our worship at the end of the school day. It was lovely to worship, pray and sing together to help us to grow closer to Jesus during the season of Lent.
Just take a look at our papier-mâché mache sculptures the children have created of themselves . The children explored lots of different media to come up with some fabulous creations !
We kick started the day with our big Booky breakfast . It was great coming to school dressed in our pj’s and sharing our favourite books with our friends . We enjoyed a story hunt outside, made story book headbands and had a book themed lunch too !
The children loved dressing up and having fun learning Maths both indoors and outdoors , whilst raising money for a very worthy cause!
We started our day watching Chris Packham’s bird watch to help us to find out about which birds visit our school grounds. We made many links to other curriculum areas . In DT we made bird feeders and hung them in the trees around school. We carried out a bird watch , making links to Maths by recording our results in a tens frame . We compared results and wrote about the different birds we saw. We used our Oracy skills to give clues and describe birds , concluding our day with an Art tutorial on how to draw a robin.
We had the best day - pass the parcel , pin the nose on Rudolph, party food and a visit from Santa .
Delicious ! It was so lovely having Christmas dinner with our Year 1 children , party hats , Christmas songs and crackers - it doesn’t get much better !
Bee Active came into school today and we had so much fun playing Glow dodge ball . What a great way to keep fit !
Snow White was truly amazing ! Our children couldn’t stop talking about this wonderful experience.
The children took part in lots of activities to help them to deepen their understanding of our class Saint . We learned facts, made flags, created tartan designs and participated in Scottish dancing . We even tried some Scottish shortbread washed down with highland juice !
Thank you to our wonderful PTA ! Our year 1 children have had a fabulous time with their friends .
Year One Curriculum - Learning Block One
Multi faith week
In Year 1 we have been learning about the Islamic faith. One of our lovely parents came to talk to the children about what it means to be a Muslim . The children learned lots of facts and were immersed into the faith as they handled a prayer mat, compass, listened to a story from the Qur’an and even got to dress up in head coverings(hijabs) and robes ( jubba’s).
Throughout the week we created prayer mats and mendhi patterns and concluded our week with a multi faith assembly where we shared information about the Islamic faith .
Red Wednesday
In this liturgy we thought about being hopeful , even in hard times. Pope Francis asks us to remember all of those people who have lost their lives and those who are persecuted because of their faith .
Maths mates!
Today we have been working with our Maths mates to understand finding different parts of numbers. We used number lines, part whole models and ten frames to help us to find the missing parts in number problems .
What a creative lot we are!
In Art, year 1 have been learning about the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who created the most fascinating portraits inspired by nature. Working collaboratively the children demonstrated their skills using different media to create some wonderful final pieces in the style if the artist.
Year 1 visit to Hanley Museum
As part of our History unit - Toys from the Past and Present we took our children to Hanley
museum. We enjoyed looking around the museum and had a fantastic time handling and playing with toys from the Past. The children compared toys from the Past to their own toys today and used some super vocabulary when describing the toys. They gained first hand experience of lots of toys from the Past and even got to make a toy to take home.
Take a look at some of the highlights from our museum visit by scanning the QR code.
Stewardship of God's Creation
For their first Catholic Life Pledge the children wanted to be good disciples of Jesus. They wanted to play their part in being good stewards in taking care of God’s Creation. So, together we explored how we can be stewards in our daily vocation and put our virtues of being loving and compassionate into action. The children pledged to make a difference to our school environment by picking up litter. It was clear to see how a small act can make a big difference to our environment. Not only does it look tidier but it’s also a much safer place for any visiting wildlife too! they made posters to be displayed around school and even created a litter song too !
Take a look at our Litter song by scanning the QR code.
Thank you to Tanure, Sienna, Dougie and Mason in St Andrew who have taken home our new prayer bags this half term. They have shared with us their family worship and explained how they have used the special objects.
Thank you to our children who provided us with our Friday Favourites and spoke confidently about why they loved their books so much and have inspired us to want to read them!
We have lots of budding scientists in Year 1 ! Mrs. Shenton set the whole school some science investigation challenges to complete at home. Here are some of the children who have had fun being super investigators !
To help us to understand what it really means to be a member of God's family , the children engaged in the role play of a Baptism .
We love to boogie! The children in Year 1 had a great time at the Autumn disco organised by the PTA- thank you so much! We had a fantastic time with our friends and teachers.
In our history lesson today we compared toys from the Past to toys from the Present .
The children loved recreating their own versions of the 1950's Potato Heads using real potatoes . Most of the children agreed they preferred the old potato heads as it gave them a chance to use their imagination and creativity . They came up with some fabulous creations -take a look !
It's a mystery!
In our experience lesson in English today the children passed around a mystery box with a prop from our story - Toys in Space . They used their senses well to make some good suggestions about what it could be . They worked with a learning partner to mind map ideas to help them to develop a better understanding of the space creature from the story.
Black History Month
Year 1 have enjoyed researching and gathering information about Serena Williams, as part of our English, History and Oracy work during Black History Month. We began the day fact finding. We had lots of fun being reporters and even presented from our very own own news desks ! We looked at portraits of Serena and created some fabulous portraits of her, She has left us with an inspirational message about resilience and believing we can all be winners if we work hard and never give up !
Toys Past and Present
How clever are we ? In our History lesson today we learned some new vocabulary . The children were challenged to think about what a decade is and chronological order. They looked at Toys from the past and then worked with a learning partner to put toys from different decades in order .
In search of Peace
In RE we have been learning about St Francis of Assisi . He was a true disciple of Jesus and devoted his life to caring for the environment and animals. He lived a peaceful life and often found this in nature. So off we went around our school to search for peace . Take a look at where we found it .
We have been collecting food for our Harvest festival ready to donate to the food bank and local community. We are living out our vocation by being good disciples of Jesus by being loving and compassionate to those people in need. Thank you to our wonderful children for planning and carrying out a beautiful prayer and liturgy this week which focussed on how we can care for those most vulnerable in our community.
5,4,3,2,1 We have lift off! What a fabulous day we've had. We kick started our day learning about sustainability in Space , we carried out a bubbling planets investigation, carried out a back to back oracy activity about a space rocket .We created some lovely art work and best of all we got to recharge stars by recreating the night time sky , The children were so excited making the stars glow.
European Day Of Languages
Our Year 1 children have had the best day celebrating European Day of Languages. We focussed on France and learned lots of interesting geographical facts, greeted each other in French and got creative too!
We designed handprint French flags and produced some beautiful water lillies art work in the style of Claude Monet.
Science - My Body
The children took their learning outdoors! In pairs they had great fun drawing around each other and demonstrated their knowledge of different body parts by adding labels on the correct part of their bodies.
The Nativity of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Today we learnt more about the Patron Saint of our school , Mary the mother of Jesus. Our Prayer and liturgy focussed on Mary. We prayed the Hail Mary and we walked around our school and even visited the chapel to look for signs of Mary.
French Day
Our Year One children loved dressing up in the colours of the French flag blue, white and red. We focused on French greetings as well as Les Glaces (ice creams). We hosted a French ice cream parlour where we welcomed the whole school to purchase an ice cream. The children were encouraged to order their ice creams in French. We raised an amazing £242 towards the cost of our Year One trip to Tamworth Castle.
PSHE- Careers and Vocations Day
We were very lucky to have three inspirational speakers to talk about their jobs. We were able to meet Rose who is a vet, Father Marco who is a Priest and Julia Bridgewater MBE who is an NHS Manager. From this the children thought about what they would like to be when they grow up. The most important message we took from this is to always try your best, work hard and never give up on your dreams.
P.E- A Visit from a world class athlete.
Jaydon Paddock led an inspiring assembly talking about his journey to becoming part of the GB gymnastic team. He demonstrated a flip and showed videos of him competing in tumbling. Lots of our children were amazed by his skills and talent. The children took part in a circuit session with Jaydon to give them an insight into what it takes to become an award winning athlete.
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
As part of our celebrations, the children enjoyed making crowns and dressing up for the occasion. We enjoyed a picnic lunch outside and spent time creating portraits of Her Majesty.
World Ocean Day 2022
The children enjoyed listening to the 'Under Sea Cleaning Spree' story and thinking about the part we can play in protecting our oceans from pollution. The children designed posters an recreated the story to remind people to stop littering our beautiful beaches and put their rubbish in the bin so that it doesn't end up in the ocean.
Now Press Play - Science
As an introduction to our Science unit Materials, our Year 1 children enjoyed a Now Press Play experience that took them on an adventure to a recycling centre where they met Wizard Silly Stuff and Scruffy the dog . As well as learning information about different materials , the children had lots of fun waving their magic wands to choose the best materials .
Year 1 National Phonics Check
The link below will take you to the phonics curriculum page. From this you will be able to find support with pronunciation, a guide to the National Phonics Check and information about home reading.
Year 1 Reminders
All children should bring their reading books and diaries on a daily basis. It is encouraged that children read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day, five times per week at home, with an adult. This will help the children with their phonics, comprehension and to develop a love of reading. Children should also use their phonics flashcards daily to support learning in school. Alongside their regular reading, children should be logging on to Times Table Rock Stars to improve their times table knowledge.
A water bottle should be brought into school to keep hydrated.
How many yellow experiences can you tick off?