
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

St Teresa of Calcutta and St Paul are our Class Saints

Miss Heath, Mr Vazquez and Mr Wyse are the Year 5 class teachers.

Mrs Hackney and Mr McQuade are the learning support assistants for Year 5.

Learning Block Two - Extreme Earth

Year Five Curriculum - Learning Block Three

Year Five - Learning Block Two - Highlights

Accelerated Reader Word Millionaire!

Congratulations to Dara, Evelyn and Nina in 5H for becoming the first Word Millionaires as St Mary's Catholic Primary School! They have persevered and read 1,000,000 words! What an outstanding achievement which shows their dedication to reading and their homework! #Englishstm

Stewardship of our Home

As part of our Catholic Life Project for Summer 1, we thought more about how we could be stewards of the earth and in particular of our school environment. As a year group, we scheduled time to tidy up our school grounds using litter pickers. It was amazing how much litter we found in the bushes, grids and the pedestrian zones around the site!

Apedale Visit - Natural Resources

On our trip to Apedale, we explored a coal mine. We learned about how coal is mined and how it can be used as an energy source. We then discussed why coal is no longer mined in Newcastle-under-Lyme and which energy sources we use today. We also visited the Apedale museum and learnt about the Industrial Revolution. We participated in a guided tour of the woodland area and discussed how coal was transported around the UK through the ages. Finally, we explored Apedale and walked to the top of the hill to visit the Apedale coal mining monuments. 

Platinum Jubilee

As part of our celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the children spent time creating a portrait of Her Majesty. We used a YouTube video to follow step-by-step instructions on how to create the perfect picture. We think we did a rather splendid job! smiley

D&T Making Burgers

In our Design and Technology unit, the children used mouth-watering recipes which gave them a chance to practise and improve their cooking skills. The children were required to initially design their dream burger, investigate healthy sides and taste test the breads that the burgers were to be  stacked upon. The children loved the burger and sauce recipes as they were easy to follow and simple to remember - great knowledge to transfer to their home life! After cooking, the children tasted and evaluated their own burgers... what a mouth watering day we had indeed. 10/10 all round!

Now Press Play - Mission to Mars

Today the children enjoyed a virtual experience using Now Press Play. The children embarked on a mission to Mars alongside their new friend Mahir. The mission began at the NASA Space Station where the children met Neil Armstrong, who took them on a tour of his space shuttle. Inside the space shuttle there were more than 1000 buttons. Mahir couldn’t resist pressing the big, red button and... Bang! The doors sealed shut. There was a 60 second count down! 3..2..1…blast off! Into space they went and the children then helped Neil search for life on Mars and even saw a meteorite. What an adventure.

Year 5 Reminders:

All children should bring their reading books and diaries on a daily basis. It is encouraged that children read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day, five times per week at home, with an adult. This will help the children with their comprehension, creative writing and widening their vocabulary. 
Teachers and LSAs will be signing children's diaries every morning to monitor home reading. 


How many purple experiences can you tick off?
