Learning to live out our calling with compassion and love.
St Peter and St Rita are our Class Saints
Mrs Ravenscroft and Miss Heath are the Year 6 class teachers.
Miss Jankowski and Mrs Efori are the Learning Support Assistants for Year 6.
We also have the pleasure of having Mr Wyse who teaches Maths and Writing.
Previous Learning Experiences
To celebrate Mary’s birthday, Year 6 took part in class worship, made Mary prayer gardens and miraculous Mary medals. They also researched inspirational women in modern society who have influenced the world in a positive way.
As part of their Geography unit (Our Local Area), the Year Six children went on a land use walk around our local area. They discussed historical and current land uses, including how the layout of Newcastle-under-Lyme has changed over the years. They used their Geographical skills to identify local land uses, such as: residential, commercial, financial, open space and religious. They will continue to research geographical nature of our local area in the coming week.
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed French day today. We started off the day with a sweet, French treat - pain au chocolat! We even got to try French baguette with brie at break time. Our theme for today was 'Ma Maison' (My house). We worked in groups to design our dream home. We then used our knowledge from our French lessons to describe our home to the rest of the class. To end the day, we visited the ice-cream parlour, where we asked for our chosen flavour in French before enjoying the sunshine!
Year 6 are fortunate enough to be taking part in a project, in partnership with The New Vic Theatre, to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and Newcastle’s Britain in Bloom. Every week, we are visited by a team from The New Vic Theatre, who work with us to create items for the parade we will be attending on Wednesday 13th July. So far, we have created beautiful head-dresses.
Today is World Ocean Day. In Year 6, we have been discussing the effects of polluting the oceans and produced some art work to display this. We understand that we have a collective responsibility to look after God's creation.
Today, as part of our careers and vocations day, we were lucky enough to speak to three very inspirational visitors: Rose Sedgwick (veterinary surgeon), Julia Bridgewater MBE (NHS manager) and Father Marco.
We thought about our own personalities, interests and strengths and thought about which careers we may pursue!
Some of the Year 6 children visited Year 2 to talk all about the Sacrament of Confirmation. The children loved hearing about their experience and the sharing of their wisdom.
Year 6 Reminders:
All children should bring their reading books and diaries on a daily basis. It is encouraged that children read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day, five times per week at home, with an adult. This will help the children with their comprehension, creative writing and widening their vocabulary.
Teachers and LSAs will be signing children's diaries every morning to monitor home reading.
Could we also ask that children bring a water bottle into school every day so that they can stay hydrated!
How many orange experiences can you tick off?